Sunday, August 05, 2007

Moments of this week...
1.True Friend
2.Had less than 7 hrs of slp with in 3 days
3.I cheated in my tests o.O
4.Mr Wayne rocks my socks !!!
5.We are gonna miss the coffee guy Mr Liew.

Lets start of with school... its nothing but mad rush rush and more rush everyday everywhere. You got the time to slack surely, yea stress till you die. The pressure is on, you face in or run... Face it you are sure to pass and go through the next round. Run it and you are sure to be back to see Mr Wayne or others. The topic of these few days are Mr Wayne and for the first time Desmond swearing about him sounded like great music regardless of the genre.

Number one on the list this week is True Friend. Have you been one lately? Talking and always being by your friend? Or are you the only friend who didnt do anything that hurts someone else while others are doing it >_< :P juz jking about this part for those who know what i mean... Or are you the one who is easily spoken or approached to and always have a listening ear? Cherishing all the friends you have? if you are, you can consider yourself as a True Friend if you are not then you can do something else... I dont know neither do i care...

Second on the list Had less than 7 hrs of slp with in 3 days! This one you just got to love it. No coffee, no red bull just purely yourself and your soul. Determination you do have, Strong spirit to overcome the tiredness you must have. Rushing through the projects you have dump aside and taking your life to a turn down that long road. At last you noticed you have a dateline to meet! Staying up late till the night studying which i do not do over the past 1 and a 1/2 year and now i am studying overnight burning the oil, driving that car at the last gear. Bad for your health but good grades and enhances my looks as Singapore's No1. Panda... cute ok...

Third on the list... how cool can this be? How far will you go? Are you good enough or brave enough to be there and done that? I cheated in my tests o.O Come on my fellow classmates haha... I think all of you have been there and done that since its the coolest and shortest cut you can ever take. However i've been doing things further than that but please dont blame me guys o.O. For my animation the whole class rules. You wont wanna know if you were our teacher, most probably you would've been sad and quit working as one. For IS the book is infront of me at all times and i would have definitely opened it up and look at it in no time. For RAD the teacher is standing infront of you and you have a monitor to block his view where you can open your book without telling him your book was opened? and you get that 100%. Ouch! the truth hurts...

Fourthly Mr Wayne Rocks My Socks this is the heading seen in most of the blogs stories about them you wont want to miss. The best of all cursing and swearing. I wonder how much his nose can take from all those sneezing... This is the topic which turns up the heat in the class for this week. If you missed it i am sorry to tell you that there are not replays what so ever but u might consider paying Desmond or the whole class a sum of money to reanact the whole situation for you.

Number Five on the list We are gonna miss the coffee guy Mr Liew. That is a fact that the whole MIT0614 knows or most of them know before the day itself arrives. Which was last friday. He told us that if we missed him we could try to fail our module in order to meet him however none of us were able to fail our module due to our intelligence so his suggestion was out of the question. His joke of the day :"A man asked for milo, the waiter(coffee shop man) shouts out to his fellow kopi kias tockkiu(milo in hock kian). The waiter got punched... why? Ans:"Waiter repeats his order... TockKiu TuckKiu TuckYiu FuckYou" HAHAHAHAHAHA... that was so not funny. So we could tell him the same thing TockKiu.

The last and final point World Cyber Games 2007. A competition where computer games to console games takes place. If you are a geek, nerd or have any interest in these games it might just be your day. Its held at SunTec Conventional Hall... Those who watched it well done those who missed it you can go GET A LIFE! I had fun there playing the games and watching tournament such as Counter-Strike and Defence Of The Ancients. Something i might just do instead of staying at home all day long...

And with this i have come to the end of my presentation hope you guys enjoyed it, now for the Q&A session....

I was there waiting for you at 12:23 AM

Dont look here its DANGEROUS
Khor Ying Zheng aka ShiSanYao
Pisces ( cant tell if its good or bad to be one)
13th March 1989
Sports > Digital Games
Almost any sports
GW, WC3, C&C3
Watch abit of Anime here and there


Chu Xuan
Eng Hua
Kai Xiang
Yi Ling
Zhao Pei

CHAT! SPAM! Talk To Me!


March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
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December 2008
March 2009

brushes: scully7491